Tarifas, Seguro & Términos
Los precios hacia abajo son el costo final. Este precio no incluye el costo de aseguranza que es opcional. El total máximo en dólares que puede ser declarado como valor de los artículos que están en cada caja/envió que mande, no puede pasar el total de $1,000.00. Ciertas Restricciones Pueden Aplicar. Si el cliente no obtiene/paga por el seguro adicional y sucede una perdida total, USMEX Express y su compañía general no se hará responsable del valor o costo para remplazar los artículos que son mandados. USMEX Express pagara una totalidad de $100 dólares si hay perdida total. Costo: el costo total es basado en las libras y dimensiones que usted nos proporcione. Si su paquete es mayor de 125 ya sea en peso o volumen tendrá un costo adicional de $ 250.00 ya que seria clasificado como paquete largo. Si su información es incorrecta y la cantidad de libras es más, o las medidas de la caja son más grandes. Al proceder con este proceso usted nos da la autorización en cobrar su tarjeta de crédito que usted nos proporcione, la diferencia del costo. |
Seguro 5% (Opcional)
Ciertas Restricciones Pueden Aplicar. Si el cliente no obtiene/paga por el seguro adicional y sucede una perdida total, USMEX Express y su compañía general no se hará responsable del valor o costo para remplazar los artículos que son mandados. USMEX Express pagara una totalidad de $100 dólares, solo en perdidas totales, a menos que usted compre un seguro adicional. Se puede comprar un seguro adicional de 5% del valor declarado (máximo $1,000 USD) con un deducible del 20%. La reclamación de cualquier perdida total debe documentarse por escrito ante nosotros dentro de 3 días siguientes de la entrega del paquete. Reclamaciones se aceptaran solamente con comprobantes / recibos verídicos. Nosotros nos reservamos el derecho de aceptar o rechazar la documentación de comprobación de valor. |
Conforme a lo estipulado en la cláusula décima del Contrato de Servicios, USMEX Express no acepta envíos que contengan:
En envíos internacionales se consideran además los siguientes:
Y en general todos aquellos artículos restringidos por las leyes, disposiciones de autoridad y/o la IATA (International Air Transport Association). INSTRUCCIONES PARA
PREPARAR Y ENVIAR UN PAQUETE 1). Preparar una hoja de ruta en línea o en papel. Llene la guía en línea o imprímala y llénela en persona Al ser completada y firmada, asegurese de mandarla pro fax or e-mail
(Fax: 888-810-8502, [email protected] o sumeta informacion por internet. Se quedara con una copia para su registro. Asegúrese de firmar o hacer clic, que usted acepta los términos y Condiciones de Envío. 2). Calcular el precio por paquete. PAGUE CON TARJETA DE CRÉDITO en linea al llenar la forma o al recibir la hoja escrita, le llamaremos para cobrar su tarjeta de crédito por teléfono. 3). Peso mínimo de paquetes es de 1-10 lbs, máximo 150lbs; menos. 4). Entrega de paquetes es en días habiles. Esto no cuenta los fines de semana o vacaciones. Para algunas áreas remotas el servicio de entrega es de dos o treseces por semana por lo que el tiempo de entrega podría ser de unos días más. 5). Envíos en cajas usadas es aceptable pero la caja tiene que ser fuerte, resistente y bien serrada en la parte de arriba y de abajo. Favor de marcar a través, cubrir o quitar etiquetas viejas, direcciones y cualquier otracalcomanía de envío anterior (códigos de barras, etc.). Favor de no usar cajas que han tenido alimentos, huevos, productos de carne o plantas en ellos. 6). Favor de no atar las cajas con cuerdas o utilizar duct tape o cinta adhesiva para pintar. Use la cinta canela. 7). Favor de asegurarse de que la caja tenga suficiente material de embalaje – cacahuetes de polietileno se mueven durante el viaje. No somos responsables por la condición en que los paquetes lleguen si no han sido empacados correctamente. Los paquetes no son reempacados así que asegúrese que el contenido pueda viajar sin ser dañado. 8). Al completar la guia de envio a mano o en linea... Le regresaremos por fax o correo electronico una oja de envio de UPS para ser pegada por el afuera de la caja, la cual sera recogida al siguiente dia habil. 9). Puede combinar cualquier cosas en un solo paquete con tal de que este bien empaquetado. La tarifa plana incluye todos los impuestos y cuotas, ya sea para ropa o computadoras e independientemente del destino o del tamaño de la caja. 10). Todo es pasado por rayos-x al menos una vez antes de llegar a su destino final. 11). Elimine todo el espacio vacío dentro de los paquetes y coloque los objetos más pesados en el fondo. Cambie de posición el contenido para que artículos frágiles sean amortiguados por artículos omo ropa, etc. Trate de no dejar espacios vacíos dentro de las cajas. |
DEFINICIONES: En este documento, las palabras 'nosotros; 'nuestro' y 'a nosotros' se refieren a nuestra compañía LingoDocs LLC (USMEX Express), nuestros Agencias Independientes/Distribuidores, nuestros proveedores de Paquetería, Envíos, y Transportación de paquetes, a sus/nuestros empleados y a sus agentes y representantes.
ACUERDO SOBRE CONDICIONES Y ESTIPULACIONES: AI darnos usted su paquete para que lo entreguemos, usted esta aceptando todas las condiciones y estipulaciones aquí indicadas. RESPONSABILIDAD POR EMPAQUETAR Y COMPLETAR LA FACTURA DE ENVIO-INVENTARIO O GUIA DE EMPAQUE: Como firmante de la Factura de Envio-Inventario, usted será siempre el principal responsable de todos los costos de entrega así como de cualquier (cualesquiera) costo(s) en que nosotros podamos incurrir ya sea por devolverle a usted su envió o por almacenar su paquete mientras este pendiente su entrega. LlMITACIONES EN NUESTRA RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL Y OBLIGACIONES QUE NO ASUMIMOS: Nuestra responsabilidad en relación con su envió se limita al menor de sus daños y perjuicios reales y hasta la cantidad de $100.00 USD. Esto NO INCLUYE el costo de envió dentro los EE.UU. Se puede contratar un seguro (opcional) del 7% del valor declarado con un deducible del 20% por la perdida real y total. Para cualquier reclamación por daños debe documentarse por escrito dentro los primeros 3 dias despues de cualquier perdida total de su envio o paquete y debe proporcionarse comprobacin de valor de cada articulo dentro de los 3 días naturales siguientes al día en que se entrego tal documentación. Nosotros nos reservamos el derecho de aceptar o rechazar la documentación de comprobación de valor si detectamos fraude. Toda la cobertura del seguro se aplica solo a la perdida total que ocurran dentro y fuera de los EE.UU. El valor declarado no constituye un seguro de responsabilidad por la carga, ni nosotros lo proporcionamos. En cualquier caso; nosotros no nos hacemos responsables por cualquier daño, sea este directo, incidental, especial, a consecuente, que exceda al valor declarado de un envío, ya sea que LingoDocs LLC (USMEX Express), nuestros Agencias Independientes/Distribuidores, nuestros proveedores de Paquetería, Envíos, y Transportación de paquetes, a sus/nuestros empleados y a sus agentes y representantes hayan tenido conocimiento -o no de que tal daño podría ocurrir, incluyendo pero no limitándose a la perdida de ingresos o ganancias. NOSOTROS NO NOS HACEMOS RESPONSABLES: • Por actos u omisiones de parte de usted, incluyendo pero no limitándose a un torpe e insuficiente empaque, aseguramiento, marcaje, o a situacion en donde nos de una dirección Insuficiente o equivocada; o por actos u omisiones de cualquier otro con interés en el paquete; • Si usted o el destinatario violan cualquiera de las condiciones de nuestro acuerdo; • Por perdida o daños a los envíos de artículos prohibidos; • Por pérdida o daños a los envíos de artículos de valor extraordinario; incluyendo, pero no limitándose a envíos que contengan obras de arte, joyería, pieles, metales preciosos y/o documentos negociables; • Por la pérdida o daños de envíos que contengan vidrio; • Por la pérdida, daños, o retraso causados por eventos que nosotros no podemos controlar; incluyendo, pero no limitándose a: causas de fuerza mayor, riesgos, accidentes o eventualidades aéreas, condiciones climatol6gicas, actos de enemigos públicos, guerra, huelgas, conmociones civiles, o actos de autoridades públicas can autoridad real o aparente. PARA FORMULAR UNA RECLAMACION: Si usted tiene una reclamo en relacion con su envió, usted debe notificar por escrito a USMEX Express, dentro de los 3 días naturales siguientes al día en que se informo sobre la perdida o daño a un paquete y debe proporcionar comprobación de valor dentro de los 3 días naturales siguientes a tal notificación. Todos los reclamos deben hacerse por escrito. No hay obligación para actuar en relación con cualquier reclamo sino hasta que usted haya pagado todos los cargos asociadas con su envío y usted no puede deducir de esos cargos la cantidad de su reclamo. Si el destinatario acepta recibir su paquete sin anotar en el registro de recibo de la entrega cualquier daño, entonces nosotros asumiremos que el paquete se entrego en condiciones aceptables. Para procesar una reclamación por daños o perdida después de la entrega, usted debe poner a nuestra disposición los cartones de envió y el cartón de empaque originales para su respectiva inspección. Todas las reclamaciones y procedimientos judiciales deben ser formulados y llevados a cabo en los Estados Unidos de América en la Agencia/Distribuidor Independiente local. ENTREGA A LOCALIDADES RESIDENCIALES: Los embarques enviados a localidades residenciales pueden ser entregados sin antes obtener la firma del destinatario. DERECHO PARA INSPECCIONAR: Todos los paquetes y sus contenidos pueden ser inspeccionados en cualquier momento y podrían ser rechazados. DERECHO DE RECHAZO: Nosotros nos reservamos el derecho de rechazar un embarque cuando tal embarque este prohibido por la ley o por algún tratado internacional, o si el embarque violara cualquiera de nuestras condiciones y estipulaciones. |
By using our services, you accept all of our terms & regulations described bellow.
"USMEX EXPRESS (LingoDocs LLC)," "our," "us," and "we" refer to USMEX EXPRESS, which conducts business as USMEX EXPRESS, and its officers, employees and agents (but does not include cartage agents).
"You" or "your" means the shipper/sender, recipient and their agents, servants, employees, and any other person or entity having or claiming an interest in a shipment.
"Recipient" or "consignee" means the person whose name is listed on the air waybill as the recipient.
"Shipment" means one or more pieces, either packages or freight, moving on a single air waybill.
"Air waybill" means any shipping document, label, electronic entry or similar item used in the USMEX EXPRESS system for the services described in these terms and conditions.
"Business day" means Monday through Friday except for the following U.S. holidays: The business day may differ in some international locations due to local customs.
"Chargeable weight" means the greater of actual or dimensional weight. For all rating purposes, "length" is the longest side of any package or object.
"Customer," "sender" or "shipper" means the person whose name is listed on the air waybill as the sender.
"Freight" means any single piece or skid with a chargeable weight greater than 150 lbs. Any fraction of a pound takes the next-higher rate.
"Guide" or "Service Guide" means the USMEX EXPRESS Service Guide, as modified, amended or supplemented.
"Overcharge" means a charge based on an incorrect rate; an incorrect special handling fee; billing a service other than the service selected for the package; billing based on incorrect package or shipment weight; billing to the wrong account number; or any other billing, unrelated to a service failure, that results in an incorrect charge.
"Package" means any single parcel or piece with a chargeable weight of 150 lbs. or less. Any fraction of a pound takes the next-higher rate.
"Reroute" means to deliver a shipment to an address different from that specified on the air waybill, and includes a change: (1) from one street address to another in the same city and state, (2) from directions to Hold at USMEX EXPRESS Location to a request for delivery to another location, (3) from the delivery instructions on the air waybill to a request to Hold at USMEX EXPRESS Location, or (4) from one Hold at USMEX EXPRESS Location address to another in the same city and state.
"Transportation charges" mean amounts assessed for movement of a shipment and do not include any other fees or charges that may be assessed under the USMEX EXPRESS Service Guide, such as (but not limited to) declared-value charges, special handling fees, customs duties and taxes, and surcharges.
Non-Waiver Any failure by us to enforce or apply a term, condition or provision of these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver of that term, condition or provision and does not otherwise impair our right to enforce such term, condition or provision.
Alcoholic Beverages USMEX EXPRESS will not accept alcohol shipments.
Billing – Any and all costs associated with a shipment(s), shall be paid before any pick up is done or before USMEX EXPRESS proceeds with any shipping actions.
1. We reserve the right to verify the method of payment for any shipment and to refuse any shipment for which the method of payment cannot be verified.
2. Duties and taxes may be assessed on the contents of shipments destined for international locations. If we advance duties and taxes on behalf of the payer, the payer may be assessed a surcharge based on a flat rate or a percentage of the total amount advanced (whichever is greater). See the Duties and Taxes section for details.
3. Electronically captured data will be used for billing purposes in the event a billing copy of the air waybill is not available at the time of billing.
4. Charges shall always be paid in U.S. dollars.
7. If you have questions regarding our invoicing or payment methods, please contact our customer service..
8. Invoice Adjustments/Overcharges:
1. We reserve the right to audit air waybills and shipments made via any means, including, but not limited to, an electronic shipping device, to verify service selection and shipment weight. If the service selected or weight entered is incorrect, we may make appropriate adjustments to the shipment charges at any time.
2. Default Billing. Senders are solely responsible for accurately completing all sections of the air waybill and for the entry of accurate shipment information into any electronic shipping device. If you fail to provide or correctly enter this information, you will be billed and agree to pay based on our estimate of the number of packages transported and either the dimensional weight at the time of billing or a standard default weight-per-package estimate, both of which will be determined by us at our sole discretion.
For USMEX EXPRESS services the recipient's postal code is critical to correct invoicing (to those countries that are in multiple rate scales). Any omission or incorrect entry will result in additional billing based on corrected postal code.
3. We will not be liable for any invoice adjustment unless you comply with the notice requirements described above. The filing of a lawsuit against us does not constitute compliance with these notice provisions.
9. Additional Taxes. If a value-added, consumption or similar tax is applicable to your shipment, we reserve the right to add that amount to your shipping charges without notice. We pay any applicable excise tax on the air transportation portion of our service.
10. The shipper and any other party who is liable for payment are responsible for all reasonable costs incurred by USMEX EXPRESS in obtaining or attempting to obtain payment for services rendered by us. Such costs include, but are not limited to, attorneys' fees, collection agency fees, interest and court costs.
Carriage Under Warsaw Convention
1. As used in the USMEX EXPRESS terms and conditions, "Warsaw Convention" or "Convention" means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw, Oct. 12, 1929, or that convention as amended, including the Montreal Protocol No. 4 and the Montreal Convention, whichever is applicable to the carriage or "carrier," including the air carrier issuing the air waybill and all air carriers that carry the goods or perform any other services related to the carriage.
2. When the carriage involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure, the Warsaw Convention may be applicable. The convention governs and, in most cases, limits our liability for loss of, damage to or delay of cargo.
3. The Warsaw Convention limits our liability for loss or delay of or damage to your shipment. The interpretation of the Warsaw Convention's liability limits may vary depending on the destination country.
4. USMEX EXPRESS assumes no obligation to carry the goods by any specified aircraft or over any particular route or to make connections at any point according to any schedules. You agree USMEX EXPRESS may, without notice, substitute alternative carrier or aircraft, deviate from the route or routes, or cause the goods to be transported by motor vehicle.
1. We must receive notice of a claim due to damage (visible or concealed), delay (including spoilage claims) or shortage within 3 calendar days after delivery of the shipment. We must receive notice of all other claims, including, but not limited to, claims for nondelivery or misdelivery, within 3 calendar days after package was tendered to USMEX EXPRESS OR ITS THIRD PARTY SHIPPING PARTNER for shipment. If your package gets damaged during shipping, you can file a claim directly by the carrier that you have shipped with or we can file it for you. All claims must be approved and reimbursed to us by the Carrier who we have contracted with before we can reimburse you. Since we are the third party shipping company, the final decision on the claims rests with the carrier.
2. Notice of all claims must be in writing. All claims must be made within the time limits set forth above.
3. Your notice of claim must include complete shipper and recipient information, as well as the air waybill or tracking number, date of shipment, number of pieces, and shipment weight. Failure to provide us with notice in the manner and within the time limits set forth above will result in denial of your claim, and we will have no liability or obligation to pay your claim. The filing of a lawsuit does not constitute compliance with these notice provisions.
4. Written documentation supporting the amount of your claim must be delivered to us within 3 days after package was tendered to USMEX EXPRESS or its Carrier of choice for shipment. Such documentation may include original purchase invoices, estimates or invoices for repair, expense statements, appraisals, or other records. These documents must be verifiable to our satisfaction.
5. We are not obligated to act on any claim until all transportation charges have been paid. The claim amount may not be deducted from these charges or from any outstanding balance owed to us.
6. USMEX EXPRESS reserves the right to inspect a damaged shipment on the recipient's premises as well as the right to retrieve the damaged package for inspection.. The terms and conditions applicable to the original shipment (including any declared value) will govern the disposition of all claims in connection with the shipment, including any claim relative to the retrieval, inspection or return of the package. When a package is picked up for inspection, a receipt for the damaged package will be provided if requested by the recipient. All of the original shipping cartons, packing and contents must be made available for our inspection and retained until the claim is concluded. USMEX EXPRESS or its carrier might also use other agents or companies for pick up and inspection of the damaged packages.
7. Receipt of the shipment by the recipient without written notice of damage on the air waybill is prima facie evidence that the shipment was delivered in good condition.
8. Our maximum liability per shipment is $100.00 or the insured amount whichever is greater, regardless of the total weight of shipment and number of packages. EVEN IF A HIGHER VALUE IS INSURED, OUR LIABILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR DELAY OF A SHIPMENT WILL NOT EXCEED ITS REPAIR COSTS, ITS DEPRECIATED VALUE OR ITS REPLACEMENT COST, WHICHEVER IS LESS.
9. INSURANCE: Contracted/purchased rate is set at a 7% of the total declared value. A 20% Deductible will be assessed on complete damage or lost shipments, before any reimbursement is to be given.
10. Only one claim can be filed in connection with a shipment. Acceptance of payment of a claim shall extinguish any right to recover in connection with that shipment.
11. When we resolve a claim by paying full value for a shipment, we reserve the right to pick up the package for salvage, and all rights, title to, and interest in the package shall vest with us.
12. Written claims must be sent (via U.S. Postal Service) to:
USMEX EXPRESS Claims Department
P.O. BOX 391331 OMAHA, NE 68139 OR [email protected]
Collect on Delivery (C.O.D.) Service - We offer C.O.D. service to international destinations. The receiver shall pay the appropriate assessed duties and taxes, set by customs in the country being shipped to. Receiver must pay these taxes before the package/shipment is released.
Customs Clearance
1. All shipments that cross international borders must be cleared through customs in the destination country prior to delivery to the recipient.
2. We (or a broker selected by us) will submit shipments to customs and other regulatory agencies for clearance. Duties and taxes will be advanced on behalf of the sender and recipient provided appropriate credit arrangements have been made in advance. (See the Billing and Duties and Taxes sections.) Where USMEX EXPRESS (or the broker selected by USMEX EXPRESS) incurs additional time or expense clearing an import shipment due to the commodities being imported or special brokerage processing, USMEX EXPRESS reserves the right to impose a fee ("ancillary fee") in order to recover those costs to USMEX EXPRESS that may be caused by regulatory agency declarations and processing, or by the customs broker chosen to clear the shipment. These may include, without limitation, ancillary fees associated with the filing of entries within destination countries, such as with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, live entries and entries pursuant to U.S. Department of Defense contracts (or comparable agencies in the destination country), and for other special brokerage processing.
3. When shipments are held by customs or other agencies due to incorrect or missing documentation, we may attempt first to notify the recipient. If local law requires the correct information or documentation to be submitted by the recipient and the recipient fails to do so within a reasonable time as we may determine, the shipment may be considered undeliverable. (See the Undeliverable Shipments section.) If the recipient fails to supply the required information or documentation, and local law allows the sender to provide the same, we may attempt to notify the sender. If the sender also fails to provide the information or documentation within a reasonable time as we may determine, the shipment will be considered undeliverable. We assume no responsibility for our inability to complete a delivery due to incorrect or missing documentation, whether or not we attempt to notify the recipient or sender. (See the Undeliverable Shipments section.)
4. Shipments requiring documentation in addition to the USMEX EXPRESS International Air Waybill (e.g., a Commercial Invoice) may require additional transit time. Proper completion of necessary documentation, with complete and accurate shipment information, including the appropriate Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code, is the shipper's responsibility.
5. Shipments that contain goods or products that are regulated by multiple government agencies within the destination country (such as the Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Communications Commission in the U.S. and comparable agencies in the destination country) may require additional time for clearance.
6. The sender is responsible for making sure goods shipped internationally are acceptable for entry into the destination country. All charges for shipment to and return from countries where entry is not permitted are the sender's responsibility.
7. We assume no responsibility for shipments abandoned in customs, and such shipments may be considered undeliverable.
Dangerous Goods - We do not accept dangerous-goods shipments. Any package given to us or our agents containing dangerous goods will be returned to the shipper at their expense. USMEX EXPRESS is not required to add dry ice to packages in its system or to provide re-icing services or any other type of packaging. (No Exceptions)
Limits of Liability (Not Insurance Coverage) - Our maximum liability for damages and loss is $100.00 per package for a maximum amount of $1,000.00 per shipment. You may purchase extra insurance for your shipment.
Insurance - We offer $100.00 of insurance free of charge. You can purchase extra insurance for your shipments up to $1,000 coverage at a 5% rate. The insurance amount can not be more than the value declared on your commercial invoice. To be covered under our $100.00 free insurance, the value declared on your commercial invoice must be greater than $100.00 as well.
Dimensional Weight (Volumetric Weight) - Transportation charges may be assessed based on the International Air Transport Association (IATA) volumetric standard. Dimensional-weight pricing is applicable on a per-shipment basis to all shipments in customer packaging. USMEX EXPRESS packaging may also be subject to dimensional-weight pricing.
Dimensional weight is calculated by multiplying length by width by height of each package (all in inches) and dividing by 166 (divide by 194 for shipments to Puerto Rico). If the dimensional weight exceeds the actual weight, charges based on the dimensional weight will be assessed.
Duties and Taxes
1. In order to complete clearance of certain items through customs, we may be required to advance on your behalf certain duties and taxes as assessed by customs officials. For all shipments we may contact the payer before clearance is complete to confirm the arrangements for reimbursing us. At our sole discretion, we may require confirmation of reimbursement arrangements as a condition to completion of clearance and delivery including, but not limited to, cases of deliveries to recipients that we believe are not creditworthy and of shipments with high declared values.
2. Duties and taxes are billed to the recipient. If you choose C.O.D., the receiver is then responsible to pay for the duties and taxes before the package is released. REGARDLESS OF ANY PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CONTRARY, THE SENDER IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT OF DUTIES AND TAXES IF PAYMENT IS NOT RECEIVED. If a shipment is returned to the shipper due to duties and taxes not being paid, the shipper is responsible for the return shipping fees.
3. In the event we advance duties, taxes or other fees, including the U.S. Merchandise Processing Fee, on behalf of the payer, the payer will be assessed a surcharge based on a flat rate or a percentage of the total amount advanced. This surcharge will vary depending upon the destination country. For U.S. import shipments, the surcharge is either 3 percent of the total amount advanced or US$7, whichever is greater.
4. If a recipient refuses to pay the duties and taxes, we may contact the sender. If the sender refuses to make satisfactory arrangements to reimburse us, the shipment may be returned to the sender or placed into a general order warehouse or a customs-bonded warehouse. The sender must then pay both the original transportation charges and the return charges. If we advanced any amounts as duties and taxes at either the original destination or upon return, the sender shall also be liable for such amounts.
5. Payment for duties and taxes will be made by one of the following means at the sole discretion of USMEX EXPRESS: cash, money order, traveler's check, bank deposit, or credit card.
6. In the event the accuracy or propriety of duties and taxes assessed on a shipment is disputed, USMEX EXPRESS or its designated broker may review the shipping documents tendered with the shipment. If USMEX EXPRESS determines that the duties and taxes were properly assessed, the shipper agrees to pay the duties and taxes.
Export Control Laws - You are responsible for and warrant your compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the export laws and government regulations of any country to, from, through or over which your shipment may be carried. You agree to furnish such information and complete and attach to the air waybill such documents as necessary to comply with such laws, rules and regulations.
In addition, you specifically warrant that you will not tender any shipments to us if you are listed on the Denied Persons List maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce. You also warrant that you will not attempt to ship to persons or entities listed as Specially Designated Nationals or Blocked Persons by the U.S. Treasury Department. USMEX EXPRESS will not carry shipments that violate any U.S. export laws. We assume no liability to you or any other person for any loss or expense - including, but not limited to, fines and penalties - if you fail to comply with any export laws, rules or regulations.
Extra-Large Packages - Extra-large packages are pieces weighing more than 70 lbs. (or destination country limit) that exceed 130 inches (or destination country limit) in length and girth combined. These pieces may be refused, or at our sole discretion may be considered as International Economy Freight shipments once accepted by us, and a minimum chargeable weight of 151 lbs. may be applied regardless of actual weight.
Fuel Surcharge - Fuel Surcharge is included in our prices. We reserve the right to assess other surcharges on shipments without notice. The duration and amount of any surcharge will be determined at our sole discretion. By tendering your shipment to USMEX EXPRESS, you agree to pay the surcharges, as determined by USMEX EXPRESS.
Inspection of Shipments - We may, at our sole discretion, open and inspect any shipment without notice. Governmental authorities may also open and inspect any shipment at any time.
If we inadvertently accept a shipment with a destination city or cities that we do not serve in a country, we may attempt to complete the delivery. However, we will not be liable and we will not provide any proof of delivery. The delivery commitment listed for such country will not apply, and the applicable rate will be the highest for that country plus the maximum extended service area surcharge.
We will not be liable or responsible for loss, damage or delay caused by events we cannot control.
We will not be liable for, nor will any adjustment, refund or credit of any kind be given as a result of any loss, damage, delay, misdelivery, nondelivery, misinformation or any failure to provide information, except such as may result from our sole negligence. We will not be liable for, nor will any adjustment, refund or credit of any kind be given as a result of, any loss, damage, delay, misdelivery, nondelivery, misinformation or failure to provide information caused by or resulting in whole or in part from:
- The act, default or omission of any person or entity, other than USMEX EXPRESS, including those of any local, state or federal government agencies.
- The nature of the shipment, including any defect, characteristic or inherent vice of the shipment.
- Your violation of any of the terms and conditions contained here, as amended or supplemented, or on an air waybill, standard conditions of carriage, tariff or other terms and conditions applicable to your shipment, including, but not limited to, the improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking and addressing of shipments, or failure to give notices in the manner and time prescribed.
- Perils of the air, public enemies, criminal acts of any person(s) or entities including, but not limited to, acts of terrorism, public authorities acting with actual or apparent authority, authority of law, local disputes, civil commotion, hazards incident to a state of war, local or national weather conditions, national or local disruptions in air or ground transportation networks (as determined solely by us), strikes or anticipated strikes (of any entity, including, but not limited to, other carriers, vendors or suppliers), natural disasters (earthquakes, floods and hurricanes are examples of natural disasters), conditions that present a danger to our personnel, and disruption or failure of communication and information systems (including, but not limited to, our systems).
- Our compliance with verbal or written delivery instructions from the sender, recipient or persons claiming to represent the shipper or recipient.
- Damage or loss of articles packaged and sealed by the sender or by person(s) acting at the sender's direction, provided the seal is unbroken at the time of delivery, the package retains its basic integrity, and the recipient accepts the shipment without noting the damage on the delivery record.
- Our inability or failure to complete a delivery, or a delay to any delivery, due to acts or omissions of customs or other regulatory agencies.
- Delays in delivery caused by adherence to USMEX EXPRESS policies regarding the payment of duties and taxes or other charges.
- Our inability to provide a copy of the delivery record or a copy of the signature obtained at delivery.
- Erasure of data from or the loss or irretrievability of data stored on magnetic tapes, files or other storage media, or erasure or damage of photographic images or soundtracks from
- Our failure to honor package-orientation graphics (e.g., "up" arrows, "this end up" markings), "fragile" labels or other special directions concerning packages.
- Your failure to ship goods in packaging approved by us prior to shipment where such prior approval is recommended or required.
- The shipment of fluorescent tubes, neon lighting, neon signs, X-ray tubes, laser tubes, light bulbs, quartz crystal, quartz lamps, glass tubes such as those used for specimens and glass containers such as those used in laboratory test environments.
- Our failure to notify you of any delay, loss or damage in connection with your shipment or any inaccuracy in such notice.
- Shipments released without obtaining a signature.
- Our failure or inability to attempt to contact the sender or recipient concerning incomplete or inaccurate address; incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate or missing documentation; payment of duties and taxes necessary to release a shipment; or an incomplete or incorrect customs broker's address.
- If a shipment is refused by the recipient, leaks or is damaged, the shipment will be returned to the sender if possible. If the sender refuses to accept the returned shipment or it cannot be returned because of leakage, or damage due to faulty packaging, the shipper is responsible for and will reimburse USMEX EXPRESS for all costs and fees of any type connected with the legal disposal of the shipment, and all costs and fees of any type connected with cleanup of any spill or leakage.
- Loss or damage to any package for which we have no record of tender to USMEX EXPRESS or its Partners.
- The shipper's failure to delete all shipments entered into a USMEX EXPRESS self-invoicing system, Internet shipping device or any other electronic shipping method used to ship a package, when the shipment is not tendered to USMEX EXPRESS. If you fail to do so and seek a refund, credit or invoice adjustment, you must comply with the notice provisions in Invoice Adjustments/ Overcharges in the Billing section. USMEX EXPRESS is not liable for any refund, credit or adjustment unless you comply with those notice provisions.
- The shipment of scale models (including, but not limited to, architectural models, dollhouses, etc.).
- Your use of an incomplete, inaccurate, or invalid USMEX EXPRESS account number or your failure to provide a valid USMEX EXPRESS account number in good credit standing in the billing instructions on shipping documentation.
- Damage to briefcases, luggage, garment bags, aluminum cases, plastic cases, or other items when not enclosed in outer packaging, whose outer finish might be damaged by adhesive labels, soiling or marking.
- The shipment of perishables or commodities that could be damaged by exposure to heat or cold, including, but not limited to, the shipment of any alcoholic beverages, plants and plant materials, tobacco products, ostrich or emu eggs, or live aquaculture.
- The shipper's failure to provide accurate delivery address information.
- Damage to computers, or any components thereof, or any electronic equipment.
- Any shipment containing a prohibited item. (See the Prohibited Items section.)
- Our provision of advice, assistance or guidance on the appropriate packaging of shipments does not constitute acceptance of liability by USMEX EXPRESS unless such advice, assistance or guidance has been approved in writing by USMEX EXPRESS Packaging Design and Development and the writing expressly accepts liability in the event of a damaged shipment.
- Failing to meet our delivery commitment for any shipments with an incomplete or incorrect address. (See the Undeliverable Shipments section.)
- Damages indicated by any shockwatch, tiltmeter or temperature instruments.
- Loss or damage to alcohol shipments unless USMEX EXPRESS Packaging Design and Development has preapproved your packaging prior to shipment.
Limitations on Legal Actions - In the event that the Warsaw Convention, as amended, does not prescribe limitations on legal actions, the following will apply.
Any right you might have to damages, refunds, credits, recovery of reliance interests, disgorgement, restitution, injunctive relief, declaratory relief or any other legal or equitable relief whatsoever against us under any cause of action arising from the transportation of any package shall be extinguished unless you file an action within 7 days from the date of delivery of the shipment or from the date on which the shipment should have been delivered. Any right that you might have to damages, refunds, credits, recovery of reliance interests, disgorgement, restitution, injunctive relief, declaratory relief or any other legal or equitable relief whatsoever against us under any cause of action arising from the transportation of any package shall be extinguished unless you first comply with all applicable notice periods and requirements in these terms and conditions including, but not limited to, the periods and requirements for providing notice under the Billing, Claims and Policy sections. You and we understand that timely and complete compliance with such notice periods and requirements is a contractual condition precedent to your right to any relief whatsoever, and you must plead compliance with those conditions precedent on the face of any complaint that you file against us. You and we agree that USMEX EXPRESS cannot be considered to have breached any obligation to you unless or until we wrongfully deny a claim submitted to us pursuant to the notice periods and requirements contained in these terms and conditions. Finally, you and we agree that you will comply with applicable notice periods and requirements even if you believe that such compliance will not result in relief from us or if you lack knowledge regarding whether such compliance will result in relief from us.
You agree that you will not sue us as a class plaintiff or class representative, join as a class member, or participate as an adverse party in any way in a class-action lawsuit against us.
The performance of any services does not make us an agent of the shipper or any third party for any purpose.
Live Animals - USMEX EXPRESS does not accept live-animal shipments.
Package Tracking/Tracing -Tracking of international packages is available online or upon request. Please contact us and a tracking specialist will assist you. To trace your package, you must have all of the following information when you call us:
1. Air waybill number.
2. Date of shipment.
3. Recipient's name and address.
4. Number of packages and total weight of shipment.
5. Contents and value of shipment.
6. Your name and phone number, so we can call you back.
Packaging and Marking
1. You must comply with all applicable laws (including, but not limited to, local, state, federal and international laws), including those governing packing, marking and labeling for all shipments.
2. It is the responsibility of the sender to properly complete the air waybill OR commercial invoice. The sender's address on an air waybill or electronic shipping device must show the country in which the shipment is tendered to USMEX EXPRESS.
3. All packages must be prepared and packed by the shipper for safe transportation with ordinary care in handling in an express-transportation environment. Any articles susceptible to damage as a result of conditions that may be encountered in transportation, such as changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure, must be adequately protected by proper packaging. USMEX EXPRESS assumes no liability for perishables or commodities that could be damaged by exposure to heat or cold. Each shipment must be legibly and durably marked with the name, address and ZIP code/postal code of both the shipper and recipient. Packages cannot be wrapped in kraft paper.
4. You must use new corrugated boxes in good, rigid condition of adequate size to allow a minimum 3 inches of cushioning of contents on the top, bottom and sides. Items that cannot be packed into cartons (such as auto tail pipes, mufflers, tires and rims) must have all sharp edges and protrusions wrapped. The address label must be secured by pressure-sensitive tape wrapped completely around the object and all shipping documents securely attached. Casters, wheels and rollers must be removed or packaged to prevent damage in transit.
5. Expanded polystyrene foam coolers must be shipped and will only be accepted if shipped inside a sturdy outer container. Expanded polystyrene foam coolers containing blood, urine and other noninfectious liquid diagnostic specimens must be shipped inside a sturdy outer packaging. No exceptions.
6. USMEX EXPRESS does not recommend the use of wet ice (frozen water) as a refrigerant. If you believe wet ice is necessary, please call us for preauthorization. Use of wet ice without preauthorization is prohibited.
7. If a shipment is refused by the recipient, leaks or is damaged due to inadequate packaging, the shipment will be returned to the shipper, if possible. If the shipper refuses to accept the returned shipment or it cannot be returned because of leakage or damage due to faulty packaging, the shipper is responsible for and will reimburse USMEX EXPRESS for all costs and fees of any type incurred in connection with the storage or disposal of the shipment or the cleanup of any spill or leakage from the shipment.
Pharmaceuticals - Shipments of pharmaceuticals will only be accepted when tendered in accordance with applicable local, state, federal and international laws. The shipper is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.
Pickup and Delivery
1. We provide delivery service at no additional charge to international destinations within primary service areas.
2. Agents are utilized for deliveries to points in extended service areas (ESAs). Depending on the final destination, an ESA surcharge per shipment may be applied for U.S. export shipments.
3. We do not offer a restricted-delivery service and may deliver to someone other than the person named as the recipient. We also may make an indirect delivery. Indirect delivery is a completed delivery to an address or location other than the address on the air waybill. Package addresses must include the complete street address and telephone or telex number of the recipient.
4. Shipments to hotels, hospitals, government offices or installations, university campuses, or other facilities that utilize a mailroom or other central receiving area will be delivered to the central receiving area, unless otherwise authorized and approved by USMEX EXPRESS.
5. If we inadvertently accept a shipment with a destination city not served in a country to which USMEX EXPRESS International Priority is provided, we may attempt to complete the delivery. However, certain limitations will apply. (See the Liabilities Not Assumed section.)
6. USMEX EXPRESS International shipments picked up or delivered to 3 areas will be picked up or delivered via cartage agents and a special handling fee will apply.
7. Proof of pickup is available upon request. You must provide the pickup number or USMEX EXPRESS tracking number (also known as the air waybill number). We will not provide proof of pickup unless you provide this information.
8. At our sole discretion, we may refuse to pick up or deliver a shipment (package or freight), or use alternative pickup or delivery arrangements, to maintain the safety of our employees and in cases in which we believe that our services may be used in violation of local, state, federal or international laws.
9. Additional charges may apply for late-hours, weekend or holiday pickup and delivery.
A quoted delivery time may be changed for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, flight delays or cancellations due to air traffic control, weather or mechanical problems.
Post Office Box Addresses - USMEX EXPRESS cannot deliver to U.S. military or International post office box addresses.
Prohibited Items (as updated on October 1, 2014) -The following items are not acceptable for carriage to any international destinations unless otherwise indicated. (Additional restrictions may apply depending on destination. Various regulatory clearances in addition to customs clearance may be required for certain commodities, thereby extending the transit time.)
1. APO/FPO addresses.
2. Goods packed insufficiently and/or not standard forms of packaging.
3. Goods which require in any way particularly careful treatment (because they are e.g. particularly fragile or can only be transported upright or only lying on a certain side)
4. Human corpses, human organs or body parts, human and animal embryos, or cremated or disinterred human remains.
5. Explosives
6. Firearms, weaponry and their parts.
7. Perishable foodstuffs and foods and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control. Foods can not be shipped with GLS Express service at all.
8. Live animals (including insects).
9. Plants and plant material, including cut flowers.
10. Lottery tickets and gambling devices where prohibited by local, state, provincial or national law.
11. Money (coins, cash, currency, paper money and negotiable instruments equivalent to cash such as endorsed stocks, bonds and cash letters).
12. Collectable coins and stamps.
13. Phone cards and pre-paid cards, e.g. for mobile phones.
14. Particularly valuable goods (e.g. money, precious metals and stones, jewelry and genuine pearls, objects of art, antiques).
15. Valuable documents (e.g. securities, acceptance bills, savings books).
16. Pornography.
17. Shipments* being processed under:
- 1. Duty drawback claims unless advance arrangements are made.
- 2. Temporary Import Bonds
- 3. U.S. State Department licenses.
- 4. Carnets.
- 5. U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration export permit.
- 6. Shipments destined to or being withdrawn from a Foreign Trade Zone.
- 7. Letters of Credit
- 8. Certificate of Registration shipments (CF4455).
- 9. Shipments moving into or out of Foreign Trade Zones or bonded warehouses.
- 10. Fish and Wildlife/CITES export permits.
18. Hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, used hypodermic needles or syringes or other medical waste.
19. Shipments that may cause damage to, or delay of, equipment, personnel or other shipments.
20. Shipments that require us to obtain any special license or permit for transportation, importation or exportation.
21. Shipments whose carriage, importation or exportation is prohibited by any law, statute or regulation.
22. Shipments with a declared value for customs in excess of that permitted for a specific destination. (See the Declared Value for Carriage and Limits of Liability section.)
23. Dangerous goods except as permitted under the Dangerous Goods section of these terms and conditions.
24. Dead animals (including insects) or animals that have been mounted.
25. Packages that are wet, leaking or emit an odor of any kind.
We are not liable for delay of, loss of or damage to a shipment of any prohibited item.
Refusal or Rejection of Shipments - We reserve the right to refuse, hold or return any shipment and may do so at our sole discretion and without liability to us. We will execute that right when (but not limited to cases in which):
1. the shipment may cause damage or delay to other shipments, property or personnel;
2. the shipment is likely to sustain damage or loss in transit because of improper packaging or otherwise;
3. the shipment contains any prohibited items;
4. the account of the person or entity responsible for payment is not in good credit standing; or
5. when acceptance of the shipment may jeopardize our ability to provide service to other customers.
We have no liability whatsoever for refusal or rejection of shipments.
Restrictions -
1. Size restrictions vary by country.
2. Per-package weight limits may vary by country.
3. There is no limit on the aggregate weight of a multiple-piece shipment (except to Argentina), provided each individual package does not exceed the per-package weight limit for the destination country. Shipments exceeding 500 lbs. require advance arrangements with us. You must call us to arrange for pickup commitments and delivery commitments.
4. Blood, urine and other liquid diagnostic specimens containing infectious substances are considered dangerous goods. (See the Dangerous Goods section.) IATA regulations apply.
5. Laptop, desktop, notebook, minicomputers or any type of electronic equipment must be shipped in the manufacturer's original packaging. Our maximum liability for these items are $100.00.
Routing and Rerouting - We will determine the routing of all shipments. Some shipments may be consolidated or forwarded by USMEX EXPRESS for transportation on foreign air carriers, or on either a charter or an interline basis as USMEX EXPRESS may determine. We reserve the right to divert any shipment (including use of other carriers) in order to facilitate its delivery.
USMEX EXPRESS assumes no obligation to reroute any shipment to a third country, to carry the goods by any specified aircraft or over any particular route or to make connection at any point according to any schedules. You agree that USMEX EXPRESS may, without notice, substitute alternative carrier or aircraft, deviate from the route or routes, or cause the goods to be transported by motor vehicle.
Undeliverable Shipments - An undeliverable shipment is one that cannot be delivered for reasons that include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
- The recipient refuses to pay for a bill-recipient shipment.
- The recipient refuses to accept the shipment.
- The recipient's delivery address cannot be located.
- The shipment was addressed to an area not served by USMEX EXPRESS.
- The shipment's contents or packaging are damaged to the point that rewrapping is not possible.
- The shipment is unable to clear customs.
- The shipment would likely cause damage or delay to other shipments or property or injury to personnel.
- The shipment contains prohibited items.
- The recipient's place of business is closed.
- No appropriate person was available to accept the shipment at a delivery location on the initial delivery attempt or reattempts.
- The shipment was improperly packaged.
1. If a shipment is undeliverable for any reason, we may attempt to notify the sender to arrange for the return of the shipment if local customs regulations will allow. If the sender cannot be contacted within five business days, we may place the shipment in a general order warehouse or a customs-bonded warehouse or will dispose of the shipment. In any event, if a package cannot be delivered, cleared through customs or returned, the package may be transferred or disposed of by USMEX EXPRESS in its discretion and at any location. The shipper, if known, agrees to pay any costs incurred in returning, storing or disposing of an undeliverable shipment.
2. For shipments returned from international points to the U.S., return charges and fees will be assessed to the original shipper, along with the original charges and fees. Also included will be any other charges incurred by us, including, but not limited to, duties, taxes and storage fees, if applicable. For returned shipments containing dangerous goods, the shipper must supply a completed return air waybill and all other required documents.
3. Shipments that cannot be returned due to local regulatory constraints will either be placed in a general order warehouse or a customs-bonded warehouse or disposed of at our sole discretion and at any location. The shipper agrees to pay any costs incurred by USMEX EXPRESS in such placement or disposal.
If you have questions or concerns regarding USMEX EXPRESS services, please send your correspondence to
USMEX EXPRESS, P.O. BOX 391331, OMAHA, NE 68139 OR [email protected].
These USMEX EXPRESS Terms and Conditions, are published periodically by USMEX Express (LingoDocs LLC). USMEX EXPRESS reserves the right to unilaterally modify, amend or supplement the rates, features of service, services, tariff, and terms and conditions applicable to all customers without notice. All modifications, amendments or supplements may only be authorized by an officer in the Legal Department of USMEX EXPRESS Corporation or successor positions, but no other agent or employee of USMEX EXPRESS, nor any other person or party, is authorized to do so. Any failure to enforce or apply a term, condition or provision of the USMEX EXPRESS Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of that term, condition or provision or otherwise impair our right to enforce or apply such a term, condition or provision in the future.
Electronic Information (e-mails) and Phone Number Captures: You agree to provide USMEX Express (LingoDocs LLC) the permission or authority to be able to send information on all of our services to any e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses you submit in our website. No contact information will be sold to any outside third party. All contact information will only be used for promotional purposes of our services.